Why would I be blogging on Christmas Eve you might ask? Well.... the last visitors have just left, Small Child is surrounded by new Lego and Other Half is joining in, building all manner of technical stuff so I thought why not?
I have a snowball beside me, complete with a shot of Bacardi in it for extra Christmas warmth, the candles are lit, everything that possibly needed doing is done which satisfies my inner control freak immensely and Polar Express is on. It's official, Christmas has arrived!
I hope all of you lovely people out in Blogland, many of whom I have come to think of as friends, have a wonderful Christmas and get to spend some time with your loved ones, relaxing and just taking it all in. I love Christmas.... so much so that Other Half has a serious worry that my head is going to explode with all the excitement anytime now! But I wouldn't be loving it half as much if I wasn't spending it with my two fellow musketeers; so whilst we will be enjoying beautiful gifts and wonderful food tomorrow, I know that the best presents are sat right there next to me.
A Merry Christmas to all.... and to all a goodnight!
Merry merry merry Christmas to my best friend across the pond! Your Christmas eve sounds absolutely lovely. Picture perfect even! What a lovely post and what a lovely family.
I hope you have an amazing Christmas morning and get all you wished for (including those Manalos!).
Merry Christmas! Hope you have a great one. x
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas lovely lady xxx
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