Thursday, 19 February 2009

This Is My Thursday

I don't know if I'll maybe start up a new version of Wordless Wednesday with this but I thought it was worth sharing anyway. Until Small Child starts school in September, Tuesdays and Thursdays are "Me and Her" days! Some are good, some are bad depending on her mood but they are always eventful!

This is what happens if you lie in until 8.30 in our house...

How was your Thursday? Less soft toys I hope.


Tim Atkinson said...

I recognize that scene of devastation (although I'm unfamiliar with the concept of a lie-in!)

Anonymous said...

It could have been a LOT worse. Like maybe paints. Superglue. Glitter....

auntiegwen said...

How did you get a photo of my Beautiful Baby Daughters bedroom ? because I am a nice kind friend, I will tell you that the tidiness doesn't always improve, but come the teenage years, they do sleep an awful lot more ! x

Anonymous said...

My Thursday was sheer bliss - my mum took the children out for the day (lunch, cinema, back to hers) and I received them back at 6pm all tired and ready for bed, my house was intact and there were no wierd things in the washing machine, bin or under the sofa.
Today is a different matter . . .

Elsie Button said...

ha, but for that extra lie-in i am sure it was worth it!

TheOnlineStylist said...

Dotterel - It makes you wonder how many soft toys a small person needs!
HMO - I know. Trust me...that's why the arts and crafts box lives WAY up high out of sight. I am Monica!
Auntie G - This is what I keep telling myself! I remember being a teenager and having to be dragged out of bed so I look forward to that stage. I'm sure the room will look similar too, though perhaps less soft toys!
Tara - Please can I borrow your mum?!? I am just about to start a hoovering marathon and am so looking forward to the weird stuff under the sofa retrieval part!
Elsie- It was worth it... a few scattered bears is a small price to pay for a bit of dozing!

Robin M Anderson said...

This looks just like my living room on a daily basis. Except in our house the toys are still HARD and hurt so damn bad when you step/trip/fall over them. I swear I spend more time each night "picking up" than I do lying down.

Hey, at least they have a great time!


Rosie Scribble said...

Compared to our house that is tidy!! Wait until you lie in and forget to put away 7 new pots of paint!

Susana Rodrigues said...

I can relate with that photo ;)

Blossom Mouse said...

It's the double dilemma:

Lie in and find THAT waiting for you.

Then make them tidy up and *twitch* for 20 minutes or so because they didn't do a great job and end up redoing it yourself.

TheOnlineStylist said...

YM - Know what you mean about the hard toys - I am forever prizing Lego bricks out of my feet - they hurt!
Rosie - Eeek! Now that would send me over the edge! The soft toys I can handle but paints - time to check into The Priory! Welcome to my humble blog - it's always nice to see new folk dropping in!
Su - But would the stuff all over your floor be shoes - because that would just make me smile!
Blossom Mouse - I do more than twitch when it comes to tidy up time! Nine out of ten times I end up doing the tidying up because Small Child believes that what comes out should stay out... and never go back! Thanks for dropping in - am off over to yours now!

Jean said...

Pah, I can still see some carpet! My daughter's room is so untidy I can't remember what colour her carpet is.

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