Friday, 6 March 2009

Let Them Eat Cupcakes

If you asked me to name two things that spring to mind when I think of Sex And The City, which as you know I do at least ten times a minute, I would have to say shoes and cupcakes. With that in mind there now follows a shameless plug for a very good friend of mine, closely followed by a bit of gratuitous shoe porn!  

In past days of singledom, my friend who shall be known from here on in as Miss C, would often accompany me on a Saturday night jaunt to our particular city where we would indulge in many vodka/Red Bulls, a spot of dancing and maybe a smidgen of boy chatting up. We would invariably share a taxi home to our separate abodes but then reconvene the following day to (and these were our very words) "Mong on the sofa, eat shit food and watch T4". Yep... that's where the Dawson's Creek obsession comes from. 

Now we are both married, sensible(!) and looking for that fulfilling career that will allow us to indulge our creative side whilst maintaining some flexibility. Whilst I have had to admit to myself that I possibly will not find my vocation as a personal shopper in this life, Miss C has forged right ahead and launched her own cupcake business!    

If you're a frosting, frothy, sweetie loving kinda gal (or guy), prepare to click and drool at Sponge Cupcake Boutique!   At this point Miss C delivers within a ten mile radius of her base but I think she may be set for world domination in the cupcake stakes so watch this sugary space. And if you happen to be one of my readers who I bamboozled to read this blog when it was in it's infancy and live in or near my old home town, then please indulge your sweet tooth Miss C style!

If the cupcakes haven't made you salivate enough then may I suggest you follow my tenuous post title link and feast your eyes on these pair of Marie Antoinette Louboutins at £3,975 a pop. A tad over most mere mortals budget I fear, but they are a work of art and there were only 36 pairs made..... although I don't think even I could find anything to wear with these babies....

But they still make me sigh........  


Anonymous said...

ooh the cupcakes look fab. And the shoes - well, they are things of beauty but you'd obviously never manage to walk anywhere in them (do I sound old yet?)

auntiegwen said...

I love the pink ones ! when I went to new York, I went to the bakery that the SATC girls used and had a cupcake there ! aah happy days x

Robin M Anderson said...

Oh please please please let me eat cake! There is nothing more I love than cupcakes and shoe porn. Oh that girl you know me so well!



TheOnlineStylist said...

HMO - No you don't sound old - I was trying to imagine where and how I would wear these beauties and the only answer was whilst sitting down eating cupcakes!
Auntie G - The pink ones are my fave too! We tried to fit in Magnolia Bakery when we were there last year but ran out of time and choose Katz's Deli where Sally faked her orgasm! I hear there's a Marc Jacobs store near Magnolia bakery - sounds like heaven to me!
YM - Thought this might appeal... the question is would you go for the pink or yellow ones? (shoes, not cakes that is!) x

Anonymous said...

Gosh ,I would fall flat on my face in those things!

I dread to think how much spam you will get now you have put the words sex and porn in the same blog post!!!

Exmoorjane said...

Not sure how I got here.....I stumbled on a link and there were cupcakes all over the place and now here I am and cupcakes all over the place too.
Shoes are wild but impractical, sadly, in the depths of the bleak countryside.....

TheOnlineStylist said...

Rosie - For £3,975 you just need to practice more! And I don't think I'm important enough for spam yet! I'm sure I've mentioned shoe p**n more than once since I've been going. Only serious shoe addicts need apply!
ExmoorJane - You see... thats what happens when you follow a cupcake link... you end end up £3,975 lighter for a pair of shoes you can't wear in the country! Thanks for taking time to comment over here at shoe heaven!

Robin M Anderson said...

Pink!!!! Is there even a question???


Anonymous said...

So, where does one wear shoes that cost £3,975???

LOVE the cupcakes...

TheOnlineStylist said...

Susannah - One would wear these in another life where one has more money than sense! I'm having a cupcake tower at my 40th instead of a birthday cake with a nasty photo of me on it!