.... is apparently French for "a thousand leaves". And also the name of a dessert mais non?
After having been describing my party dress in terms such as "Fru Fru, Flossy, Frothy, An Abundance Of Ruffles, You Know.... A Bit Like That Dress That Carrie Wore In The Paris Scene Right At The End Of The Series" I was pleased to learn that the official name for That Dress actually is The Mille-feuille Dress!
Where did I find this nugget of information? Why, in the official SATC The Movie book of course! So, according to Wikipedia I will be going to my 40th dressed as a custard slice - you can't get better than that!
If you look as good as Carrie, you'll "knock 'em dead"! I think I'll need to lose a few pounds before attempting a Mille-feuille for my 40th however!
AM - I think it may be more Custard Slice than Carrie but a girl can dream! Note to self: must do more tricep dips to guard against the arm wobble thing! If you can't push the boat out one last time on your 40th then when? So Mille-feuille away I say!
Wow! What an amazing dress you must have! You're going to knock them dead on your big day!
Ohhhh...I like the idea of going to parties dressed as some sort of dessert/confectionery. Isn't arm wobble inevitable when "one reaches a certain age"? I try and hold myself at an angle thus obscuring arms (in the manner of red carpet starlet {in my dreams!} ). Anyway that dress is fantastic and you have to have it...NOW!! I hope you enjoy wearing it!
I simply cannot wait to see pics of you in the dress. If it's anything like Ms. Bradshaw you will knock them dead!
Jules - It is lovely! Not as long as Carries and grey instead of black... there is a picture of it here...
Cannot wait to wear it! x
Katherine - I will have enough frosting on my dress to compete with the cupcakes I can tell you! And will now be practicing the angle thing!
YM - I cannot promise you anything as near as good as Ms B but my heels will be as high as any pair she might sport! x
You will look lovely. You will certainly knock them dead!
Are you going to burst out of a cake?
Tawny - Thanks! I think I might knock a few people over with the width of the skirt!
Mud - I am the cake!! Do you think a candle head dress would too much.... or a tad dangerous?
Hope you'll be posting photos of yourself in your dress, can't wait to see it!
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