It’s been a while…. how long exactly I’m not sure but its definitely time for post all things shoe!
First and foremost to these babies in the picture. T’was first we met in Grazia a couple of weeks ago… I opened the first page and they there were, all suede, fringing and exquisite beauty. Very nice said I, but you and I will have to live our lives apart for I cannot justify another pair of credit crunch defying, designer heels right now.
But no, wait…. high street you say? Dune? They have a website? But you won’t match my party dress and if I had you I’d need to wear you very soon. Oooh… the London trip! The promise of dinner a la Gordon Ramsey at Claridges…. that DVF dress that would go so well with you…. Oh go on then!
If only my blog provider supplied a scratch and sniff widget (even though I’m sure it would come in for far too much abuse), because they even smell beautiful and I need to share this with you. Has anyone ever been institutionalised for shoe sniffing do you think?
But it’s not just me… I know a few of you out there will understand where I’m coming from (Tara, Yummy Mummy and Auntie Gwen to name but a few!).
And, I learned yesterday that my good friend S has just purchased her first pair of Louboutins! On the back of her important announcement there followed an over excited text exchange on the merits of these red soled works of art for the feet, ending with me checking them out on Net a Porter. Like me, she has taken to wearing them around the house. We say it’s to break them in before they are officially “outed” but we both know there’s far more to it than that!
S... do not wear your shoes whilst washing up... the Fairy Liquid may do dishes and be kind to hands but it does not mix with Louboutins!
The problem with losing your Louboutin virginity is that it leaves you craving for more....and, unlike certain other things, I seem to have boundless energy to shop!!!
** Gasp. Holds hand to heart **. I LOVE those shoes.
Need to go and lie down for a while to recover now . . .
I love Dune, I have a very sexy pair of stilettos from there, emperor purple satin covered in black lace, too yummy, himself doesn't quite understand it
Oh they are absolutely lovely, now I want new shoes. Ho hum.
BEAUTIFUL!!! Just what I needed to brighten up my crappy week!
Oh I want, I want, I want!
they're gorgeous, I am still suffering from blisters on the soles of my feet from prancing down the Kings Road the other night, I'm in flip flops, but through my pain, I can see the glory of these little beauties. Happy Easter
Anonymous S - Good girl! Remember how when we in were in Zurich we talked about that classic wardrobe of well edited classics? You are On Your Way! x
Tara - I apologise for giving you an attack of the Shoe Heebie Geebies! But glad you like em! As for comfort... oh well! You have to suffer for your art!
Auntie G - This is my second Dune purchase - I am starting to Heart them quite a lot! Yours sound gorgeous.... and men never get the fancy shoe thing. Pah to function over form!
Rosie - Hope you managed to get some new shoes on your Manchester trip. (Have been busy catching up on everyones blogs!)
YM - Now I understand why last week was crap for you having read the mega commented on post! But you already know how I feel about that one! Big Love to you x
Nix - Good to hear from you again! And good to hear that you understand the whole shoe suffering thing! I am planning on having some Party Feet gel pads in for these babies and maybe a pair of ballet flats in the bag for the trip back to the hotel!
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