Oh who I am kidding? I fully admit that I started thinking about it this year on my 39th birthday and now I'm having "The Dress" dream so many times that it's starting to remind me of how I was right before I found my wedding dress!
I hadn't yet begun to imagine any detail and I didn't think for one minute that it would be a black dress - possibly because one of the other fashion fixations vying for space (!) in my head at the moment is my LBD quest! But more on that another time....
And so it came to pass that, yesterday, I took the opportunity of wandering into Monsoon whilst Small Child had unexpectedly fallen asleep in her push chair. I mean... who am I to pass up a bit of window shopping that isn't accompanied by the normal anthem* of "I wanna get out of the push chair/I'm hungry/I wanna go to the bookshop/I wanna wee/I'm bored/I'm three and a half and REALLY good this!" *Delete as applicable... or not!
In times gone by, I wouldn't have thought about shopping in Monsoon as I always associated it with "Dahling.... Have You Seen My Tiara?" type frocks or slightly hippy-dippy creations. However, since they bought in their Fusion line, I have made a few much loved and well worn purchases there, plus Accessorize calls out to me like a poolside Mojito in a heat wave!
So you see, I hadn't gone in there with the purpose of seeking out The Dress, but there it was on the first right hand side rail of the store - yep, that visual merchandising trick sure worked a treat on me! A beautiful, black satin fru-fru confection of frothiness that reminds me of the one Carrie wore whilst waiting for The Russian in her Parisian hotel suite. He stood her up by the way... what a waste of a dress!
I stroked it lovingly, sighed at it, wandered round the store trying to ignore it and then came back for more surreptitious fondling, only this time the store manager came over to add yet more oh-so-subtle sales techniques into the situation - trust me, she didn't need to, I was already smitten. Either that or she possibly had concerns that I was about to dribble on it and thought she'd better intervene! She encouraged me to try it on but I had to decline for fear of Other Half coming home that night to find me wearing it to do the washing up, muttering something about cost per wear again.
Having left the store I found I couldn't stop thinking about it and started seeing every passer by wearing my dress, even the men which was slightly disconcerting! What are the symptoms of being in love? Sweaty palms? Check! Heart pounding? Check! Constant feeling of Euphoria? Definitely! There was nothing left to do but confess all to Other Half when he came home and show him Flossy 40 Frock on the Internet to see what he thought.
He seemed fairly enthusiastic; well as enthusiastic a man can be about an inky, slinky Mille-feuille of a dress, so we're returning to the scene of the crime tomorrow to see if trying it on will prove that She's The One!
She will be mine... Oh yes.... she will be mine!
Oh, the dress is perfect! Very SJP, I hoping to read that you bought it - but tomorrow will do too! Fingers crossed they still have it in your size.
Oh she is truly beautiful, I'm sure you're made for each other !
I'm so looking forward to the shoe porn which will have to follow.
I'm thinking something with flirty satin ankle ties, perhaps ???
love love love love love. did i say love?
Oooo it's gorge.
You are so a girl after my own heart That Girl. Elbowing 40, lusting after shoes and a passion for Monsoon.
Are you my long lost twin or something!
NSM - thanks! And am glad that you support the new love of my wardrobe life! I am itching to get in there tomorrow to make sure they have one for me. If not, there's a back up plan to buy a size up, take it to a dressmaker I know and check that she could take it in if needed. (Yes - I really have thought this one through!)
Auntie G - When the dress and I get married I will invite you to the wedding! oohh shoes to go with... hhmmm! But I wondered if I could do the silver grey Loboutins with it. I would do silver jewellery as gold colours don't look right on me - whaddya think?
YM - Glad you like - sorry, love, the dress! I have to have the approval of all my blog fashion guru's as well as Other Half before buying this baby!!
Tara - Never mind elbowing 40 - we're gonna kick it right up it's butt!! I've said it before and I'll say it again - I know we were separated at birth! What are you doing on 14th May 2009??
buy it. buy it. a gown that beckons thus deserves to be bought.
(and you're turning 40, girl, you deserve to wear it).
I think we ought to see a photo of you wearing it before passing further comment.
That dress is amazing!!
Well? Did you get it? I'm dying to know!
oh darn it -I 'm older than you then. By 6 months. I'll let u know how it feels so u can prepare!
Reluctant Memsahib - I did, I did! I think it was a foregone conclusion apart from final verification from husband and daughter!
Dotterel - Alas no photo's as it has to be premiered on the night of the party! I'm a sad muppet like that but please indulge me - you'll make an old bird very happy! I might post a party picture as a final 39 and Counting entry after the birthday on May 16th
Katee - glad you love it! It's even better in real life!
NSM - sorry for delayed update - we picked it up on the way to my brothers yesterday afternoon where we stayed over. She is truly mine and I love her! Think I might need to get it fitted by a dressmaker as it definitely deserves to look the best possible fit.
Tara - Blimey girl - I thought you were younger than me! All tips will be gratefully received as to how best to deal with it but I just know the dress will ease the pain somewhat! Anyhoo, party is on the 14th if you happen to be down South! Your big day must be really soon then?!
She's gorgeous. And to be bought 6 months before the event? This is like a wedding. Can't believe we have to wait until May before we get to see her again...
Would be tough for me not to fall in love with that one too...it's gorgeous and perfect for a party! So did you get it? can't wait to hear latest updates!
CTTF - I know... the whole party is beginning to take on a wedding like feel! We will have been married five years the week after the 40th and seeing as we won't be able to do the whole celeb-lets-review-our-vows thing, perhaps the party will be a great substitute!
Miss Andrea - thanks for stopping by and commenting! She's hanging in the spare room, looking all flouncy and magnificent! I need to cover her up though (without squashing her!) or I might be tempted to wear it around the house!
Since I found you I have had to catch up on your blog! When I first saw "the dress" I had to read back to find out where you bought it, I couldn't believe she was from Monsoon and that you bought it so far in advance! You looked gorgeous!
Its Wednesday and I haven't bought Grazia yet this week - is it good? Also want to ask, what is that new TV chanel with Rachel Zoe's new programme on? No doubt it will be advertised in the break of running with heels but I am panicking in case I missed it!
Looking Fab - I wasn't even properly looking and it was Christmas dress time so I think we were meant to be together! IT was from their limited collection. AND.. thank you for reminding me about Rachel Zoe project!!! Its on the Really Channel which is Sky 248 at 11.00 tonight - I've just series linked it!!!
Grazia is a goodi... more Brad and Ange scandal! I confess to getting it delivered.. it arrives on Tuesday before the shops get it so its a guilty pleasure! xx
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