Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Photo Tag

I liked this game of photo tag from Notsupermum and so decided to join in.... but I had to bend the rules a little! Before you all send me to the cyber naughty corner let me explain why. 

The rules: 
Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures
Pick the 4th picture in that folder
Explain the picture
Tag 4 people to do the same

I couldn't use the 4th photo as it was of a relative (who shall remain nameless) and had just given birth that morning! I don't think she'd thank me much - not that she knows I have a blog, or even what a blog is I fear. She was also one of the folk mentioned in my Judgemental post so I'm not going there!

Anyhoo... enough wriggling out of that and here's the 44th one instead!

Here I am in 2003, feeling very domesticated and grown up, helping to prepare our Christmas dinner in our "only just finished in time" kitchen - hence the bare plastered walls! 
It was such an exciting time - first Christmas living together, we were engaged, knee deep in wedding plans and it was the first meal we cooked in the new oven... gulp! If you look closely, somewhere in amongst the sprouts there's a glass of Veuve Cliquot - a Christmas tradition chez Thatgirl; it must be consumed whilst cooking dinner! And if you look closely at the apron it'll really make your eyes go funny - or perhaps that's the Veuve! 

And so to my 4 tagee's: Step up Yummy Mummy in Boston, Tara at Sticky Fingers, Auntie Gwen and Mom/Mum! Look forward to seeing your pictures and reading the stories!


Robin M Anderson said...

You are like a uber yummy Martha Stewart!! I love the pic and the story AND THE APRON!


auntiegwen said...

I've done it, and may I just say how unflustered and in control you look in your photo.

I'm just the same myself, she lied x

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! An actual real life picture! (albeit 5 years old!)

Finally, we meet! And I've only written about 20 words and look how many exclamation marks there are - that's how excited I am!!!!!!
Gone mad now.

My second reaction to reading this post was 'oh shit'.
Will do my very best. Just because it's you.
And unlike you I will not cheat and bend the rules . . .

Jean said...

Ah, it's you! Don't you look lovely! That's a nice memory to have attached to the photo. Glad you took up the tag, thanks!

TheOnlineStylist said...

YM - Bless you... try as hard as I might I don't think I'll ever be up there in the Martha ranks! But you are a star for playing and have just seen your photo... loving it! Big love to you Transatlantic Sister! xx
Auntie G - The unflusteryness and control bit comes from the Veuve Cliquot... seriously... I recommend it! Loving your Paris photo and loving you for bending the rules too!
Tara - OMG you make me laugh so much! I can see you sitting there, jumping up and down with excitement! I love ya you big loon! And Im sure I posted a wedding piccie a long while ago so you've seen me before! Just wait until after the 40th birthday when the blog changes! You may get sick of the sight of my mug shots then! Look forward to seeing your picture and just for you heres multiple !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
NSM - thank you lovely SoAreASuperMum! It was such fun to do and to see everyone else's too. I truly Puffy Pink Satin Heart With Lace Around The Edges my bloggy friends!

Mom/Mum said...

Get you all domesticated! you look lovely, Ok, i'll have a look and see what pics i find! x

Anonymous said...

Ooo blog is going to change? How exciting . . .

Tim Atkinson said...

A glass, merely? Here, we drink the bottle! (Only kidding - hang on, no I'm not! Champagne-fuelled Christmas lunches always taste much nicer.)

lunarossa said...

Lovely photo! But that apron would give me an istant migraine! Lovely blouse though. I think I will add the Veuve Cliquot to my cooking routine, as well. Thanks for the suggestion. Ciao. Antonella

TheOnlineStylist said...

Mom/Mum - Me? Domesticated? Well.. a girl has to try... especially as we were engaged to be married... didn't want him to think he'd been undersold! Thanks for playing and I loved your photo - very Timotei shampoo ad material!
Tara - Change is good... we don't fear change! And don't get me wrong... you won't be bombarded with my face every day but I think I'll be a little less anonymous! It's good to shake it up at 40!
Dotterel - Well... I know I said spot the glass but that didn't actually mean there was just a glass lurking! It would have been the bottle that was opened for breakfast and still going. The one before the white wine to go with the turkey that would be followed by the red that comes with the cheese and cold meats later that night! I so miss Christmas already!
Antonella - I can always recommend Veuve Cliquot to accompany any recipe! And... the apron as of 2003 belonged to Other Half so you can blame him for your headache! I soon got rid... don't worry!

Jean said...

I've got an award for you on my blog x

TheOnlineStylist said...

NSM - Thanks for your award! I will drop by and pick it up soon - in my best acceptance outfit of course! x

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. Tag has already hit me. Things go fast in cybersphere...

TheOnlineStylist said...

Susanna - They do indeed! Great photo of you and the brood! And oh that webcam picture!!! Mind you - having not seen UK snow for at least 4 years I have been loving the weather here today!