..... Hello Forty Not Out! Thatgirl39 is all grown up (kind of), so it's time to flee the 39 And Counting nest and migrate to a more sophisticated abode (kind of)!
Here is where I cut my blog teeth and there have been so many things that have made it a blast... I have loved, loved, loved all of it. I fear that now I am officially old there is a higher risk of repeating myself; in fact I think I just did because I know I got similarly gushy about blogging here!
I do however have to mention a few names because without them I would never have snorted so much wine and coffee out of my nose or had to be literally prised from the Mac hot seat by Other Half so many times!
Tara over at Sticky Fingers is my long lost English twin sister. I swear if we ever met it would be like looking in a mirror and I just know we could wile away many happy days watching brat pack movies, drooling over McDreamy, playing with Benefit make up and scoffing cupcakes. Of course the kids would have to get on and entertain themselves!
YM over at Diary of A Yummy Mummy in Boston is my American baby sister that I never knew about until last summer. I should have known because I could feel some sort of missing piece in my soul... of my Louboutins! This shoe loving, fashion obsessed, gossip reading, coffee drinking babe brings a sparkly ray of sunshine to my dull days.
Actually... thinking about it if I won the lottery and took Tara and YM shopping we could clean out any major city between us in half an hour!
Then there's my lovely Auntie Gwen whom I want to be just like when I grow up! She is the coolest Auntie you'll ever have and I reckon she could dance on her high heels much longer than me!
And not forgetting all my regular reads who I'm taking with me in my blogroll suitcase:
You make me feel like I'm catching up with old friends whenever I stop by, so in lieu of cupcakes I'm sending out multiple web hugs to all of you! Please come and stop by the new place to say Hi.
There are tons of other great blogs that I read and comment on and will continue to do so as long as they keep on writing. I'm going to be making a concerted effort to find some more via all of your blogrolls too so apologies in advance if you catch me snooping!
So.... what are you waiting for? Come on.... follow me to Forty Not Out...... go on.. you know you want to..... CLICK!
Francisco - Thanks for visiting 39 And Counting. Sorry to leave as you arrive but I'm now over at Forty Not Out! I see you have strong feelings about the UK joining in with the Euro and changing the side of the road that we drive on etc. Can't say I've though about it too much... possibly because I spend too much time thinking about shoes!
A little tear for 39 And Counting, and a big smile for Forty Not Out! I must say I will miss you, but luckily you will be one click away!
I have loved finding my big sis!
See you on the other side of 39.
Yay, the new blog is up! I'm there (you need to go round and tell everyone you're moving). In fact have you mentioned it on British Mummy bloggers? And if now why not?!
Oh, and am LOVING your groovy new picture. x
Hi there. I knew the birthday was going to come sooner or later! I hope you had a blast at the party...the dress was fabulous. I'll definitely be sure to check out the new blog. It's always fun to read your updates!
Best wishes for 40!
Ok so theres always one straggler at the back, and surprise surprise that's me....AGAIN! But, have just read your comment on my blog, posted at least 2 weeks ago. See, I'm rubbish! And you've guilted me into another post.
But it's like sitting down with a good Godiva and full-bodied red - N I C E !
I will wing my way over to where the party started a while ago and hope you're still propping up the bar at Forty Not Out! xx
Great blog you look 20!
gorgeous photo
your blog is awesome, keep it up
thanks for sharing as always!
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