I admit that I've always taken my time to get ready for going out, I'd like to say that it just takes me longer these days due to extra effort that's needed to achieve an acceptable state of glam but I've always been this way.... never was a step out of the shower and be ready in five minutes woman! When I was a single gal my old colleagues used to constantly rip the what-not out of me about taking an afternoon off to go home and preen for very special events. Even standard Friday girls nights warranted a 4.00 pm office escape at the very least.
It was never the actual coiffing and grooming itself but more about taking my time and enjoying the whole shebang. There was usually loud music, a glass or three of wine and a gaggle of girls in my flat to add to the proceedings.
These days, on the (far fewer) occasions of a parental evening out sans bebe, I have learnt to master the art of looking presentable in a much shorter space of time. You know the drill - squeeze in a shower when you can, blow dry your hair if you're lucky, maybe once in a blue moon get to straighten it whilst a Small Child hangs off your left leg. I do confess to sometimes employing the cheating tactic of putting on Lazy Town which guarantees at least ten minutes of uninterrupted make up and nail polish time.
But none of those short cuts for me here tomorrow people... I am going all out to be Red Carpet Ready! Prep began in earnest at least a week ago and has involved some of these:
Smelling like a biscuit thanks to fake tan applications.
Doing the ironing and building Lego houses whilst wearing high heels. Technically the Lego has nothing to do with the party but Small Child begged me to build one whilst I was wobbling round the living room breaking in the event shoes!
Extra tricep dips, lunges, sit ups and anything else that might bring about a firming quality.
No carbs after 5.00 pm for the last three days (stops me looking 4 months pregnant)!
Mass exfoliation followed by buffing, polishing and copious amounts of body lotion lavishing.
And tomorrow morning... ooh I cant wait! Having dropped off Small Child at preschool I am off for a facial, manicure and deluxe pedicure followed by a flit back home to pick up Other Half, the bags and a sneaky bottle of Veuve to take down to the hotel.
As Rachel Zoe says, if you can't create your own red carpet moment once in a while to take you away from the hum drum of life then what's the point? Whilst I don't agree with all her suggestions and tips from Style A to Zoe, this one I will do my best to uphold tomorrow night. In which case I'd better only have one glass before we get to the party!
But where are you going? Is this a naughty night out with your hubby or something else? Tell all!
NSM - Surely you jest?! The Party of course... the one with The Dress! See here: http://thatgirl-39andcounting.blogspot.com/2009/03/its-my-party-and-ill-go-over-top-if-i.html
Full on cocktail frocks, champagne, canapes and cupcakes! No doubt there will be photos!
Ohhhhhhh I am so excited that it is almost here! They big day! Your Carrie Bradshaw moment. All I can say is pictures, pictures, pictures. And of course have a FABULOUS time.
OMG! I'm so sorry, I got the dates mixed up...well, either that or I was having a Senior Moment. Yeah, that was probably it. Have a fab time!!
You go girl. I'm excited for you. Get plastered and have a fab time. Thanks for reminding me about the fake tan btw - I knew there was something not quite right about my legs at the moment - but I couldn't work out what it was!!!
Can't wait to hear all x
OMG, It's almost time! I bet you're dead excited! Enjoy every minute of it and report all back to us in details as soon as you've regained consciousness! Expecially THE DRESS! :)))) AUGURISSIMI! Antonella
How exciting! Enjoy every moment and be sure to take loads of photos to share.
Happy, Happy Birthday. Enjoy today.
Have fun and take lots of photos :)
Big Kiss
Little pressie for you over at mine x
Have an amazing time! I am so sorry that I can't be there to share the fun with you :( I'll make up for it over the summer. Have a glass or too of Veuve for me! XXX
See it? the green hue of envy from me over here????? ENJOY your special night xxx
YM - I can feel the excitement radiating down there in Costa Rica! Other Half did get loads of pictures and I definitely managed the fabulous time! x
NSM - thats OK - dont worry. Funnily enough I had a senior moment of my own that day when a Sunrise Senior Living brochure was put through our door! I maybe 40 but am not quite ready for that yet!
Maternal Tales - I certainly did Go Girl! Dont you just love fake tan - couldnt live without it in the summer!
Antonella - I have not been so over excited about something since I got married - it was such a great night and there was a lot of spinning around on the dance floor in The Dress!
Mud - Am glad I have loads of pictures now its all over and I think the post party high is still there too!
Francesca - Many Thanks for your kind wishes!
Su - The best time was had... hopefully by all and not just me! x
Maternal Tales (again!) - bless you and many thanks... we like pressies and if its OK with you I might cheat and put it on the new blog this week! xx
Mom/Mum - thanks honey! Green is in this summer so I'm impressed! x
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