Not Quite So Sophisticated After The Speech!
After the champagne had been polished off and sugar highs from the cupcakes kicked in, everyone started to let their hair down on the dance floor. I remember asking the DJ to play Untouchable by Girls Aloud and demanding that two of my girls get on and strut their funky stuff with me to get things moving!
The Girls!
Cupcake and balloon posing lead to some interesting photo opportunities and by midnight there were a few pairs of heels being discarded to allow for safer navigation of the dance floor! Mine were so high that I was quite proud of lasting until just gone 12.00am. My toes had gone numb so I didn't care how many "God you look really little now" comments I had... blood flow to the extremities is far more important.
Not What The Cupcakes Were Intended For!
Other Half In The Zero Zone!
My Bro And D Getting In On The Act
I think I did my usual round of "I really love you guys... no seriously... I really DO LOVE YOU" speeches to my nearest and dearest people but they know what I'm like so that's OK!
Just before 1.00am the stragglers, (us, D & S, Mr and Mrs Cousin It and my bro and his wife) decided to call it a day. We accosted the doorman on the way out who was an American ex basketball player therefore possessed sudden undeniable cool factor before bundling into taxis.
I remember a fleeting thought of "Oohh... I feel so Carrie Bradshaw.. hic" as I walked barefoot into the hotel bar trailing six helium balloons behind me. I suspect that the differences between Carrie and I go far deeper than knowing when to STOP DRINKING but that kind of clarity only comes with the morning light!
And so to bed at 3.00am, feeling, as my friend Banana says... very broken! I think drinking a litre and a half of Evian was the thing that helped me get up without feeling totally hideous... that and the handful of almonds eaten before the champagne fest even commenced. Seriously... try it... it does work! I was able to partake of breakfast before S and I went off for an aromatherapy massage in the hotel spa to assist with the detox process.
I saved my pressies until Saturday morning... seeing them piled up on the dining table on Friday was agony but I managed some restraint! I was such a lucky Thatgirl and felt totally spoilt to receive, amongst other things, an original Vogue magazine from May 1969, a years subscription to Vogue, a Links of London Sweetie bracelet, nine bottles of champagne including two vintages, some Clarins, Estee Lauder, White Company and Space NK goodies and vouchers for Selfridges, Next and Hobbs.
So... with all this and the promise of Manolo's hanging in the air for the London trip next weekend, I can honestly say my fortieth has been the best birthday ever! But without my husband, daughter, brother, brother in law, cousin and best friends in the world it wouldn't have been anywhere near so special. Celebrating with loved ones is the best gift a girl can have!
The whole thing sounds utterly, utterly fab and I'm so jealous that I haven't been to a party like that in ages. You looked amazing in that dress. I want that dress!! (And somewhere to wear it to would be nice)
How fabulous do you look! Every promise you made, you kept - that's my girl! Welcome to your 40s, you fabulous chick!
Now, where is my cupcake?
HMO - Thank you!!! And the poor dress is now hanging up on the side of the wardrobe thinking "Where oh where is she ever going to wear me again?" Perhaps you could wear it at your coming home from the sailing trip party?
Tara - Love, Love, Love you! You know me... I will always keep my promises... especially the ones about partying! So far I love being forty - it rocks! Er... about that cupcake... I think it may have been the one that Other Half ate back at the hotel at 3.00am - he says sorry! xx
Ha ha! Glad to hear that you were very broken! Some things never change no matter how old we get! Lovely to hear all about your night - love the pics - made me feel very homesick :(
Happy, Happy Birthday! I hope your day brought you everything you could ever wish for! You looked amazing in all your pictures! 40 is definitely the new 30! Cheers to you!
Sounds fabulous and I'm glad you enjoyed. You looked beautiful x
Wow, everything sounds (and looks!) very fab! Your dress looked amazing and your all company of friends and family looked really brilliant! Glad you had a fantastic party...as it's not finished yet, isn't it? Enjoy. Ciao. A.
Stunning! I am so glad you had an amazing time!
Now that's more like it!! Definitely relate the unsophisticated version...so pleased you had a great time. Dress fab, cupcakes fab, - only wish I could have been there too! Hope you've finally recovered xxx
PS - will try that almond tip next time I'm planning a biggie!!
Banana - I think the older we get the easier it is to fel broken! And dont worry - we didnt do any of that Charlie's Angels leg on the wall stuff. But you were missed lovely lady! xx
Jules - Thank you my fellow newbie 40 friend! 40 is so the new 30... and the new black... we are so on trend!
Auntie G - Thank you very muchly! It was an amazing party and I didnt want it to end! Hence why I managed to drag it out to 3.00am! xx
Antonella - Bless your lovely words - you make me grin from ear to ear! And your right... there's still London to do this weekend x
Mud - Can I do it all again next year?!? x
Maternal Tales - I couldnt keep the whole sophistication thing up for too long but you possibly already know that about me by now! Let me know how you get on with the almond road test - its my mission to spread the nutty word! xx
great blog :)
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