Just like the Queen of England I have two birthdays - there's the small matter of turning forty on May 16th but today, 39 And Counting is officially one year old! Here was I, one year ago, greener than Kermit The Frog, a newbie to the blogosphere and without a clue what 39 And Counting would be. The only thing I did know was that it was time to satisfy a burning desire to write and seeing as a book was a little on the big side of huge for my mushy brain, a blog seemed like the ideal solution.
For the past year I have subjected you all to stuff that moves me, irks me, makes me ponder, makes me pull a face like this (think yourself lucky you can't see me), all with a pinch of parenthood, shoe lust and a clothing obsession that would put Victoria Beckham to shame, thrown in.
In my first year I have made the best bloggy friends and read some stuff that has made me both laugh so much a little bit of pee came out and cry like I just broke a pair of Louboutins. Oh yeah... that did actually happen.
Who knew that you can end up feeling like part of a community just by baring your innermost thoughts and hitting enter? I never imagined how much fun you can have with the commenting, the tagging and don't even get me started on my first award (more pee)!
It's fueled my dreams of writing, of being "discovered" and of making people sit up and take notice. Whilst I know that, in the real world, the chances of that happening are about as likely as Karl Lagerfeld making a dress for me, it's taught me to be passionate about something that is mine alone. And when I have seen the big time happen for bloggers, I get so excited for them it just makes me want to... well... pee.... again!
No matter where it does or doesn't go, I absolutely love this blogging lark and have no intention of ever shutting up... there's just so much more to say, even with 136 posts under my belt! One thing I do hope is that I get to meet some of my favourite bloggers in person one day... you know who you are! Without you this would never have been the journey it has been so far and I can't wait to experience millions more happy hours glued to the Mac. (Sorry Other Half!)
I know that I can't remain 39 And Counting forever so a blog plan is afoot to allow me to warble on without appearing to be in denial of my true age.... watch this space soon! At this point in any celebration it would be usual to crack open a bottle of Veuve but seeing as I have an important event to attend next Thursday, I'll have to be content with talking about it as opposed to quaffing it. Let me leave you with this quote from Madame Lily Bollinger herself:
"I only drink champagne when I'm happy and when I'm sad. Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I am not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise I never touch it - unless I am thirsty".
Now that was a woman after my own heart - Happy Blogiversary 39 And Counting!
Happy Blogiversary!! I hope you will be celebrating - cyber party perhaps?
Thanks Mud! I am out with the girls tonight for a sedate dinner and maybe a few not so sedate glasses of wine! If there was a cyber party, you'd definitely be invited!
Hoppy Blogiversary from me as well! There is no need to change your blog name. Don't you know that when you get to 40 then you start counting in reverse? So you will be ok for the next year until you get to 38!!! Have fun. Ciao.
PS. My best friend is turning 40 on the 16th May as well. We're going to celebrate at Beverly Races!
Ooh congrats!!! Am loving your blog, despite being a late starter!! Hope you celebrate in style xxx
YAY! Happy blogiversary!!!!! Oh you were my first non-family commenter so I can say I owe it all to you! The blog world is a much better place with you in it!!!!
I agree with lunarossa now it's time to count backwards!
Happy Blogiversary! Btw, what are you going to call the blog after May 16th?
Antonella - thank you so much! And I have to say I like your idea about counting backwards now... a strategy I may adopt as of next week! Have a fab time at the races!
Maternal Tales - Nothing wrong with being a late stater - always worked for me! Nice to have you here and without sounding like a mutual admiration society, I love your blog too!
YM - Bless your Louboutins! I didn't know I was your first outside the family commenter - how cool! An honour badge I feel proud to wear! Lots of love to you in Costa Rica xx
NSM - thank you lovely lady! And like a lot of things going on in this house this week... it's a surprise so you'll have to wait and see!! I would say it's a fairly obvious choice though! xx
Oooo plans are afoot, how did I miss this post?
It's been so good to have you here That Girl and once you hit that magical number we will once again be the blogosphere's answer to the fortysomething Sex and the City girls.
Now, who's going to be Samantha . . .
Tara - How can you indeed miss a post with a cupcake picture on it?! I like the idea of the 40 something SATC girls... true to life after all! Do I have to be Samantha? She is a bit of a potty mouth I guess but I'd rather be Carrie! x
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