.... Blub .... Splutter... Where do I start? Someone pass me a tissue! I've been given an award! That lovely Tara at Dawn Till Rusk who, by the way, I'm starting to believe I might have been separated from at birth, has presented me with this lovely bloggy award!
I will skip the snot ridden Oscar style acceptance speech but I'm so chuffed!!
Those who read here know I am a huge fan of the Tara lady but I can often be found frequenting other blogs from time to time. I think Other Half may be planning on putting an end to my late night blog catch ups by booking me in for a surgical Mac removal very soon!
I would like to pass the baton of greatness onto some other bloggers who keep me entertained late at night (and therefore YSL's Touche Eclat in production!) As I said yesterday, being new to this tagging and awarding stuff, I am carefully following instructions as to what happens next! So with Tara's careful guidance I have gleaned this much:
1. Link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Nominate up to seven other fab bloggy folk and link to them
3. Leave them a comment telling them how much you love their work whilst trying not to look as if you're stalking them!
So ladies and gents.... my personal nominees are as follows..(drum roll please!)...
Coco's Tea Party - Such great pictures and fashion observations, done with humour and in bite-size pieces!
A Cup of Jo - this women is my hero...great blogger and writer in New York. Need I say more?
Of a Certain Age - I really like Karen's blog. She is a stylish lady in her forties and I read her blog for inspiration when I'm having a frump day.
I Love Lucy! That's Lucy and I - little Lucy is so cute and her mum is a very talented dressmaker. I bought an outfit for Small Child from here and she looks so cute in it I could eat her!
Another Tara - the name must be synonymous with great blogs! When Tara Met Blog was one of the first blogs I discovered and have remained a faithful follower ever since!
And there you have it.... now I really do have that Friday Feeling!
Hello! Found you through the lovely Tara as she too bestowed an award on me today so I wanted to visit all her other recommended blogs. Glad I did. Your posts made me laugh which is better than weeping over my keyboard innit?
Am going to add you to my blogroll
Thank you for being a loyal follower and for linking to me :) Most appreciated
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