No... I did not pick the title just so I could post up a McDreamy picture but I know there's a lot of you out there who will be glad I did! Medical matters are afoot so read on and stop drooling!
A letter arrived this week informing me that Small Child's booster jabs are due; my first thought was... My god, that's come around so quick! Which was quickly followed by the second one... How the hell do you tell a three and a half year old to "Sit still darling whilst this very nice nurse sticks a needle in you"?
I still remember the guilt I felt when I took her for her first set of baby injections! That two second delay from the needle going in to the slight wobble of the bottom lip, just before the scream that accompanied the accusing look of "How could you let her do that to me Mummy?!?"
By the time we got to MMR at the age of fourteen months I was feeling a bit more capable but don't remember actually having to explain to her what was going to happen.
Now that we have in depth conversations about everything from courgettes to rainbows (yes really!), I don't anticipate being able to get her into the doctors surgery under false pretences nor feel that I should.
So I've decided honesty is the best policy and will be working myself up to the correct way of handling that one! Whilst I look for a two week slot in the calender where we're not up too much in case of the normal reaction of colds/temperatures etc, I will gratefully accept any tips on handling this little dilemma!
My other update is that my little friend who had taken up residence at the bridge of my nose has fecked off of its own accord!! My appointment for it's eviction came though and each day since it started to disappear before my very eyes! Perhaps I scared it into submission or maybe it was offended by my dedicated blog post.... now that's what I call alternative medicine! They still want me to go in so they can have a look but there's nothing there except a freckle and they're not having that!
OK.. you can go back up the page for one last look at him and then time to get on with what you were doing!
I had a similar experience with a wart on my foot. I had it cut out twice and it just grew back but on Christmas morning one day I woke up and it had gone - never to be seen again.
Who needs doctors?
Well OK maybe the dishy ones!
When I took eldest beautiful daughter for her first injections, afterwards I sat in the car and cried. One of the receptioists came out to see if I was ok, apparently concerned patients went in and told the staff.
At that time, I was a nurse !!!
Ahh good luck. I can barely bear the mummy-guilt I have when taking the boys in for jabs. Yjrey maybe small, but they are smart and know exactly what's happening, even before the nurse enters the room with a needle.
But, hey thanks for the McDreamy pic - looking at him was a lovely start to my day!
I remember jabs from the kiddie's baby days. I'm just as bad when it comes to the cat getting his winter booster, yet I'm not scared of needles myself!
Not to be a pooper but (in my experience anyhow!) it seems when I hit 40 - all little bumps, lumps and veins started appearing! Never anything bad mind you, just no reason for them being there either, it seemed! Oh, well - at least it gave me something else to moan about!!
Mmm, thanks for the picture. (I do wish The Doctor had to wear those surgical greens, but sadly, his speciality only seems to require shirts and ties!)
I had similar fears when I took Littleboy 1 for his MMR booster recently. But it was absolutely fine. He just said OW loudly, and then I quickly jumped in with 'shall we go home and have lunch now?' whereupon he forgot all about it...
Glad the weird thing on your face has become more of a freckle. Was it a boil?
As for the booster MMR etc, I tried not to mention it until we were there so she wouldn't build it up. Other girls at her nursery had already had theirs so she wanted to be part of the club and was looking forward to a plaster. I told her as we were in the waiting room it would feel very similar to when her little sister pinches her and if she was brave and didn't cry I would buy her a treat (bribery always works). The nurse was lovely, gave her two stickers and a certificate so she loved it! But said she didn't want to do that again. Oh and she didn't get ill second time around. So all in all, wasn't as bad as I was expecting...
McDrea . . . sigh . . . .
What was that you were saying?
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