I'm so enjoying being my own new breed of super hero... Flexi-Mummy! With my new working pattern we are definitely getting to spend more fun time together and for the most part, the house is running a little smoother and feels a bit less frantic!
I was feeling very smug in the manner of Brie from Desperate Housewives today as I decided that I would prepare the marinade for tonight's dinner during my lunch break! Ah the benefits of working from home! Nigella Lawson's Greek salad is on the menu tonight and the recipe requires that red onion is steeped in olive oil, red wine vinegar and oregano for a few hours beforehand... no problem.... or so I thought!
After having battled for 5 minutes with the lid of the vinegar that had fused itself to the bottle, I then managed to knock a quarter of a pint of Waitrose finest extra virgin olive oil all across the kitchen side! You'd be surprised at how quickly it can travel and how easily absorbed it is by one hand towel, one recipe book and a plastic chopping board. Despite it's thick appearance it can also travel surprisingly fast to the edge of the work top and trickle down the cupboard front onto the floor!
I don't think I've ever heard any chef utter the words "F**k A Duck" before, well maybe Gordon Ramsay, but I'm hoping that it might catch on in a kind of slummy mummy vibe! Having allotted half an hour for a break, 25 minutes of that was spent slip-sliding about with half a roll of kitchen towel and in the other five, I did manage to eat a sandwich with no further mishaps! Oh well, I'll leave the domestic goddess part to Nigella for now - but at least the entire book smells authentically of Greek salad and olive groves!
Oh dear, that's what you get for marinading things. Waitrose do ready marinaded stuff you know and the chinese take away is sort of marinaded. Saves all that clearing up... MH
You definitely get points for efforts. Too bad about the mess. I like to keep my prep time to a minimum personally, a short cut here or there...maybe a phone call to the local pizza delivery.
Ten out of ten for effort!
Well rather olive oil than wee out of a potty thrown all over new black trousers, only ones that fit, 1 minute before going out for the day
Oh no! I hate it when that happens. When you decide to go all domestic goddess and in your head your are imagining presenting a masterpiece later on that evening, only for it all to f*ck up. Oh well, practice makes perfect etc. Hope your kitchen floor isn't too much of an ice rink...
You see, you say you were all smug like Bree but all I could picture was that scene in Bridget Jones where she makes blue soup. Sorry! Still think you're great tho . . .
You got me Tara.... definitely more Bridget than Bree! Although seeing as it was lunchtime I was minus the chardonnay! Not telling on the Bridget pants front tho!
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