OK... just so you know, I'm fighting every instinct screaming away in the right side of my brain to write a post about New York Fashion Week. Its killing me! The beautiful images that have been deposited in Mac's (and my) memory courtesy of my daily Google fashion alert abound in my head day and night! It must be my inner Carrie Bradshaw, clawing her immaculately manicured way out from under the ironing pile to wax lyrical about Diane Von Furstenberg's floral rock goddess inspired dresses or our own and sometimes much maligned Victoria Beckham presenting her debut collection to a select few at the the Waldorf Astoria hotel. (Had a cocktail there by the way - very nice... especially the nuts!)
Whilst devouring four Grazia's, one In-style and a Marie Claire every month helps me have an idea of what's in and what's not, I don't profess to know what the next uber trend will be, nor could I hold my own in a room full of fashion journo's! But I would still kill for a ringside seat in one of the tents in Bryant Park, NYC right now! Can you imagine the smell of the Prada bags mingling with the aroma of expensive perfumes you can't buy in John Lewis, the flashbulbs popping as some A Lister in over sized sunnies lowers her pert bum onto the seat next to yours and the furious scribbling of editors denoting how these stunning outfits that you see adorning the gazelles stomping down the runway will translate into high street reality?
If this doesn't float your boat then I understand... not everyone can get hot under the collar about the latest style of...well... collar! But for those of you who know what I'm banging on about.... there's nothing better than a bit of fashion escapism now and again! As I've said before you've got to have a dream to help distract from the more mundane moments! If you do click through to read The Times article above about VB, I loved the dresses (my favourite shown here) and I really liked her quote at the end about the fact that she's been working on this for 34 years! I read her book "That Extra Half An Inch" and believe that she has. Whatever you think of her, you have to admire the girl for doing it... if I had her money and contacts I'd be doing it too... and she'd be blogging about me!
And there you go.... I got in an NYC Fashion Week post after all. See you at the next Fashion Rocks party!
And her hair! Check out VB's new hairdo. Watch as hundreds of girls rush into their hairdressers for a pixie crop (which I actually sported in 2000, so does that make me fashion forward?)
In my excitement over her dress collection I forgot to mention the hair! It's all over the bloody papers this morning - front page! And you are so fashion forward that you'll have to be my plus one at Fashion Rocks!
that girl...you are so excited, I can feel it bubbling off your blog!
Let us know if you ever purchase one of the dresses, I think they are only making 400 of them...best start saving...
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