Have you heard of The White Company? If you have looked at their website or leafed through one of their catalogues, you will know why I want to live in White Company World (WCW)! The people who live in WCW have an apartment in the city and a house by the beach. The latter of these two (insanely beautiful) properties will be decorated in the style of a Hampton's home and look like it should be situated somewhere in Martha's Vineyard. All females residing in said property will be beautiful, thin and casually stylish; make-up (for the yummy mummy ones) will be minimal and they will all look like they have just woken up from twelve hours sleep, ALL children will be behaving and looking beautiful whilst wearing simple but adorable white cotton attire and even your laundry accessories will inspire you to get on with the "bloody washing"! Other Half and I say that when we win the lottery we will of course furnish our beach property (and perhaps some of the country residence too) with oodles of WCW stuff.
Meanwhile back in TRW (The Real World), over the last couple of years I have succumbed to the pull of WCW, purchasing a nightdress for me, a candle or two, a hot water bottle cover and some linen spray (yes I know.....what do i do with this except squirt the occasional guest duvet with it and then leave it strategically placed on the side in the spare room!!) But quite frankly...who cares? Having tucked Small Child into bed tonight in her WCW p.j.'s next to her WCW recently purchased bedside cabinet, I do feel it helped to erase the fact that I woke up this morning with panda eyes after drinking too much red wine the night before! Plus, although I weigh far more than those babes in the catalogue and Small Child's behaviour often leaves me pulling out my hair in chunks, by buying into a little piece of airbrushed, muted toned paradise, I too am living the dream...its called escapism don't you know?
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