...shouldn't throw stones! Actually I've never seen anyone throwing stones in the coffee shop that I frequent - they just indulge in harmless activities such as gossip, people watching and reading the newspaper. I practically did live in a coffee house for the last three months of last year and I loved it! Due to aforementioned departure from my job, I had a three month break from work and on the days that Small Child went to nursery, I got to visit my local coffee shop on a very regular basis. Not as regular as those who visited every morning and always managed to lay claim to the best sofa's in the window; they all knew each other and would ensure that one of them was there just before the doors opened to secure their spot. Actually one or two of them were quite loud and annoying, especially the one who moved her dirty cups onto my table!! Her companion (male, old country gent eccentric type) gave me a knowing look as if to say "please excuse her, she does that sort of thing all the time". I just glared at them before going back to my skinny cappuccino, magazine and croissant! (Theory - I am allowed croissants occasionally due to the cappuccino's being skinny! Not an equal balance I know but you don't pass up those croissants!!) Incidentally, something I feel the need to share and feel quite strongly about....you don't have chocolate on cappuccino - the Italians don't do it and neither do I!
I'm proud of the fact that now, when myself or Other Half go in there, the barista knows our order - I've always wanted to go into a coffee shop and say "The usual please"! I've kind of ruined it recently by switching between "the usual" or a skinny latte with an extra shot or a caramel-latte. How much do I love thee oh Caramel-latte!! I know I may as well rub it straight onto my mid-riff, bum and thighs as that's where it ends up, but I DON'T CARE - I LOVE THEM! Small Child has taken a liking to the gingerbread men and weekends now usually consist of a trip to the coffee shop, post weekly supermarket visit, where bribes were issued all the way from the fruit and veg section through to the checkout, stating that "there will be no gingerbread men if you don't get up off the floor now"! Does Super Nanny recommend bribes - I don't think so; but quite frankly until I've had my caffeine fix, I'd rather opt for the quiet life!
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