... TG officially mourning the end of the first series of Gossip Girl!
It has been my guilty pleasure of late... yes, a 39 year old has been watching the series about Manhattan's elite teens! But I'm not the only grown woman who had it series linked on their Sky box; I know a few who have regularly tuned in. Not just to drool over the clothes, shoes, NYC location shots, beautiful people etc, but for the high drama and total bitch-fest of a scale not seen since Alexis Colby sashayed onto the set of Dynasty complete with shoulder pads and a slick of red lip gloss!
Watching Blair, Serena, Chuck and Little J go about their "too cool for school" social scene in the cutest adaptations of a school uniform I've ever seen was intriguing; but waiting for Lily and Rufus to finally get it on was a kind of exquisite nail biting torture! Oh the hotel rooms, the loft apartments, the walk in closets; not to mention the department stores, spa's, coffee shops and trendy bars...sigh!
So until 2009 when Gossip Girl graces my television again in all it's uber trendy, make believe but we can pretend it's real, glory, I guess I'll just have to be content with the Gossip Girl blog and the knowledge that scenes for the new series are being shot in Central Park as I type! xo xo That Girl
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