....with a bump! I am officially back from my cocoon of holiday loveliness and although the sun has given me a golden glow, it's amazing how fast it has faded with two days back in reality! We had a great week away just the three of us....spending each day going from pool to the next meal and back to pool again, without having to worry about anything else in between. The apartment owned by Future Wife of Brother In Law was perfect and had everything we needed from nesting house martin's on the balcony that kept Small Child and myself captivated, to the cars parked at the marina in Marbella that made Other Half drool! Well.. wouldn't you like a pearlised orange Lamborghini with the number plate "PHATT" or perhaps a Bentley Azure, parked outside Lanvin no less, with the letters "BLING" on it's arse? At this point I have to admit that I just asked him exactly what those cars were as all I remember were the colours! In my defense I can say I was a bit distracted by two things at the marina; one being the fierce heat of the sun that I felt for sure was searing the rose-white tinted skin of Small Child despite the fact that she was doused in SPF 50. The other was the abundance of designer shops that not only beckoned you into their air conditioned cool interiors, but also contained one or two items that I'd just seen in Grazia magazine earlier that day!! I do confess to buying a pair of black patent leather Mary Jane style Jimmy Choo's with a heel that is cool enough, without being too scary, to wear to work in the autumn! If I am to complete The Holy Trinity of Louboutin's, Choo's and (later my precious) Manolo's, at least one of them has to be practical enough to wear on a weekly basis! Despite my sworn testimony as a parent to never keep my child out after 8.00pm, we did eat out one night at a great restaurant called Picasso's and it all went according to plan. We got a table at about 6.00 and Small Child not only behaved very well but also kept the table next to us entertained. Or perhaps it was the fact that after two Mojito's and some red wine, we were a lot more relaxed and just got on with it rather than worrying what she might do next. In general a great holiday time was had by all and to sum up... Small Child ate unfeasible amounts of spaghetti bolagnaise, garlic bread & chocolate ice cream and we played tag team reading in the sun, alternated with splashing about like loonies in a pool all to ourselves! As for the reality bit.... no one ever wants to go back to work but there is something to be said for sleeping in your own bed, cooking in your own kitchen, saying hello to your wardrobe and taking a photo of your new shoes to send to your friends!
1 comment:
Started back at the beginning of your blog now that I have found you and can't believe you have been to Picasso's, this part of the Costa Del Sol is where I holiday every year and I just love Picasso's! I don't really like flying anymore, so Spain is as far as I will go, so looks like I will never live that New York dream of mine, going on the Sex and the City tour!
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