Or as they say in America.. Pardon me now? You know that I love America... NY in particular... and Tara... you're so right... if I moved there I would be destitute within one month due to frenzied shopping! No way for a mother to behave... but what a way to go!
But as usual, I digress! The point of this post (there is one... just stick with it), is that I love, love, love the difference in how we and our cousins across the pond say stuff! I have been reading a few great blogs recently, penned by Brits who have moved to the U.S and I know I have only just scratched the surface of these...(Mom/Mum, Expat Mum and Brit Out of Water I'm talking about you... are your ears burning?) These guys are actually living something I only daydream about and they may feel that my lighthearted ramblings about something that is potentially life changing and challenging are somewhat misplaced. But... seeing as the blogosphere is all about free speech I will continue to ramble unchecked!
It was this clip from my email in-box fashion obsession section, Who What Wear Daily, that set me off. If you can stick with it, it's the bit where the leather jacket is being modelled that made me smile.. on two counts. The first is that I never knew bum bags were back in (shame on me) but it's referred to here as a fanny pack! I'm sorry?.... it must be the Carry On movie style British humor coming out here but... fanny pack? What image does this conjure up in your head? In a strange way it makes me want to rush out and buy one... but I won't because I just forgot that I was 39 for a moment there!
And also... if any ex-pats or American citizens are reading this, please can you explain what bangs are? I mean I know of at least two types of bangs (!) but in particular I am vexed by the ones that relate specifically to hair.
American and British might poke fun at the way the other phrases, pronounces or expresses themselves but I say Vive La Difference! If we were all the same it would be very boring and I for one would be packing my fanny off elsewhere in search of more stimulating, broad minded people!
P.S...I chased up my Louboutin heel tips from Saks in NY today via email as I was getting concerned that they hadn't arrived. A very nice manager sent me a reply almost instantly apologising that they hadn't yet been sent. After assuring me that they would be dispatched next week he said "Thank
you again for your patience and understanding! We look forward toservicing you again in the New York Store!"
P.P.S...Oohh eer missus!
Fringe. There you go - a lot less exciting than you thought it was going to be eh?
And don't get too worked up about life here - the weather in many parts of the country is unlivable. I'm talking bloody cold winters in the top bits, too hot summers in the bottom bits, tornadoes up and down the middle, hurricanes on the east coast and earthquakes on the west! Oh and very expensive health care! Have a GREAT day!
"Servicing you again" ha ha ha. See, you are right. It is our Carry On sense of humour.
Whenever I use the word 'boot' as in car boot, it seems to have American's in stitches!
And wellies.
I have an American friend over here in England who practises her English accent by saying 'cup of tea'. She thinks it's hilarious!
I went to visit a friend in Oregon, and one day tried to buy her a small present. When I asked for a pot plant in the florists shop they explained very politely that they do not sell that type of plant in the US. How was I supposed to know to ask for a POTTED plant?
I think it was Winston Churchill who said that Britain and America are two countries divided by a common language.
You know, I did notice a faint but unmistakable glowing around my lugholes, but I really couldn't work out what it was. Don't get me started on hairdressers though - mine is a tiny woman from North Carolina whose accent is as impenetrable to New Yorkers as mine is. Add in my lack of understanding of the US haircutting vernacular, and our hour long conversations can be pretty harrowing at times...
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