... fat chance of that in our house last night! Small Child reverted back to her old habit of night time waking due to every known excuse in the How To Drive Your Parents Insane handbook. My personal favourite at about half past midnight, was "My legs are too sweaty"! This was a more out of the ordinary approach that followed the standard rendition of "I want a drink/wee/cuddle/kiss" (delete as appropriate as you work your bleary eyed way through the list).
She had lulled us into a false sense of security ever since last Monday when she started sleeping though again - bliss! The idea suggested by some friends, of the promise of instant next morning rewards seemed to be working - you can have your car seat in the front next to mummy, you can choose which cereal you can take to nursery etc. Even the night when, at the point I was offering up my bribe of the moment, she informed me "No...I want to ride in the back of the car forever so I can cry all night Mummy" she still managed it.
But here I am again...just approaching that post lunchtime slump that no amount of caffeine can get me through. I try and take comfort from the fact that she WILL eventually sleep through every night... but then before I know it she'll be in her teens, out on a Saturday night and I'll be sat up in bed reading, just waiting to hear the key in the lock! I guess that will be payback for every time I did that to my mother; including the one when I was actually racing the milk delivery cart (and the sunrise) up the hill to our house!
I thought I'd just get used to 5 hours of sleep a night...
Instead I just ended up with an amazing caffeine addiction.
You mentioning caffeine has just made me realise I got through the afternoon without it! Good God!
I get the same with my daughter. Some night she just wakes up for no reason and comes into my room clutching her duvet, dragging it behind her like a dead body and then just stands there with her arms in the air with a look that says "pick me up and take me back to bed and tuck me in mummy"
By which time I'm wide awake and lying there listening to hubby snoring!
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