Yay number one! At the risk of jinxing it (cos it's not all quite finalised yet), I think I may have a job lined up!! And it proves the old adage... it's not what, but who you know! Boss Man Brother In Law's wife to be has a friend who owns her own inventory company. (I met her on the hen weekend in Amsterdam). She was looking for someone to help type up property rental inventories but when I told her that I was free for three days a week she asked me if I'd like to work with her doing the inventories too and generally help out!
It would be a mixture of being out and about and some work based from home which I'm hoping will fit in with being the demands of being a working mum. I think she has to run it past her business partner and accountant so we'll see!
Number Two - Boss Man Brother In Law has full blown wedding fever this week and consequently so does the Thatgirl household! Going by this blogs (occasional) rule of initials I guess hereafter he should have been called BMBIL but seeing as he will soon be back just to BIL, I think I may dispense with that malarkey! ? He is on a countdown and nothing, not even the crashing property market, is phasing him! And rightly so! Other Half and I were on a permanent high before, during and after wedding and honeymoon so why not - it's good for the soul!
He was being so happy go lucky Mr Annoying at work yesterday that we decided to reek revenge on him by sticking his mouse to his desk, tape down the receiver button on his phone and lock all his desk drawers! He still shrugged it off with a casual "I'm off to the Maldives for a child free honeymoon" kind of attitude! We've decided that we like pre-marital Boss Man and he can stay!
And the final yay! Last week I got back in touch with someone who I haven't seen since just before I got engaged! She was a best friend who was like a sister to me and due to the complicated stuff of life getting in the way, we lost touch. I found her on a social networking site and we're going to meet up again! Last time we were together I was the perennial single girl and she was married with a little boy. Now she has two kids and I have one.... and an Other Half! We were joined at the hip, our hearts lodged forever in the eighties and thrown together by a number of prior hapless relationships! And boy could we shop when we went out together! I can't wait!
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