Yay!! Big Love to Wave 105 and Steve Power! They mentioned me and the blog today! (So this is what it feels like to be a ZZZ list celebrity?) Other Half had just done nursery drop off and was driving along when he hears his wife's, her blog and her child's name read out on the radio! I of course missed it as I was in the morning meeting - shucks!
It was a very positive way to start the last day of my job. I felt buoyed up enough to believe that with a lot more shameless promotion, a creative writing course and a gazillion more blogging hours under my belt I might get some more readers, ergo a career with writing opportunities, leading to a book deal..... leading to LOTS MORE SHOPPING! You gotta have a plan and see the positive side people! OK so I lost my job and left some friends behind today but I sit here, glass of Veuve Cliquot in hand, feeling excited about the next chapter.
I also got to spread designer love too. Having succumbed to the new iPhone a couple of weeks ago, I gave my crazy blond work friend, Flippy, my old Prada mobile phone and she was overjoyed! It's amazing what a bit of designer bling can do for a girl! Talking of which, as all the entries on my favourite fashion and gossip sites never cease to remind me, New York Fashion week starts in a few days so excuse me whilst I just go and have a bit of a sulk that (a) I won't be anywhere near it, (b) will not be purchasing anything shown on it's catwalks and (c) am still only triple Z list meaning I will not be blagging (or even blogging) entry to any after show parties! Still...this week Wave 105... next week Bungalow 8 and the penthouse at 60 Thompson!
ps. now that I have the new computer, pics are coming! Hopefully, tomorrow!
Whoohoo! Get you - mentioned on air!
I hope your next chapter in life is exactly what you want it to be. Good luck!
You go girl! Will you still remember your bloggy friends when you're famous!
My bloggy friends will all be on the VIP guest list!!
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